Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7: Routines

Topic: Routines are a part of our daily lives, something that many of us cannot live without. They can be monotonous or comforting, but without routines, most of us will never get our teeth brushed. Write a descriptive about one of your daily routines.

One of my most important routines (to me anyway) is my showering routine. I may not shower everyday, but when I do, it must be in a very strict order. I shower from top to bottom. Literally. Cleanest most important areas first, dirtiest areas last.
1. Undress
2. Wet hair, then face
3. Wash face first. Don't want to get dirt from the rest of my body on my face, so it must be washed first.
4. Shampoo. Rinse.
5. Conditioner. Leave in.
6. Soap up chest, stomach, back, arms, armpits, butt (then secret areas), legs. In that order. Every time.
7. Shave armpits and/or legs while still soaped.
8. Rinse conditioner and soap all at once.
9. Soap feet last. ALWAYS LAST!!!! I wear flip flops most days. My feet get really dirty. Even when I wear real shoes my feet still get nasty. I never want to get that nastiness on any other part of my body. So, they ALWAYS get washed last.
10. Double check all soap and conditioner have been rinsed.

Even when I dry off I tend to do it in the same order. Weird. I never thought about that before.
I just realized that it's possible everyone may shower that way. But I find it super important that it be done in that specific order. Every time.

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