Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 15: Bios - Sinclair

Topic: OK, so I really want to keep up, to some degree, with some sort of collaborative writing. I find it fun.

Today, pick someone in the blog group (look in the followers section) whom you know very little about. Based solely on their blogspot pic and the name of their blog (not their writing), write a one-paragraph bio of them.

Her name is Sinclair. She enjoys karaoke, playing dress-up, and hiking. Her favorite sport is rock-climbing. Her favorite color is green. She did beauty pageants til the age of 10. She has studied cello for 8 years. She knows and can perform every step of "The Nutcracker" ballet by memory. Every night she sleeps in a $2000 red satin ball gown that she stole from the mall. (shhhh, don't tell anyone... it reminds her of her pageant days) When she's not singing, rock-climbing, or playing cello, she is scrap booking pictures of her ladybug hunting excursions.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 14: Escape Plan

Short sweet and to the point....


I already know that Bobby has it all planned out. So, no need to make my own.
I'm fairly sure that this was one of the first 3 things he thought about when we moved. Flooding options also being up there. I don't have to think about anything. More than likely if there were really an attack so bad that I would need an escape plan, I doubt anything else would be going through my mind other than "FOLLOW BOBBY!!!"

Day 11: Mandyville Hunks

Mandyville has a new wrestling team. (not wwe crap, real wrestling)
The Mandyville Hunks.
Team colors are turquoise and chartreuse.

All the boys on the team are not only chosen because of their wrestling skills, but they also have to be super hunky. All the women of Mandyville started a committee, raised the money and started a petition to get a wrestling team. They are all individual co-owners of the team. They decide who wrestles who and for how long. They are pretty much the only people that come to the matches. Well those that have daughters bring them, too. Men aren't invited. Unless they are gorgeous and willing to wrestle at the drop of a hat.

Day 10: Acrostic Poems

Always trying to procrastinate
Money deprived
Adequately funny
Nearly perfect :)
Deeply in love

Just a kiddo
Often silly

Overly needy of positive reinforcement
Excited about making music
Rarely pessimistic
Totally girly
Not afraid to judge people (a favorite past time)

Fast swimmer
Icky slimy skin
Slippery in my hand
Hard to hold on to

Makeovers daily
On camera
Very convincing actress
Intense love scenes with hot hunky actors
Every one wants to know me

Spend the day playing make believe
Tedious paparazzi
Red carpet

Day 9: Horoscopes

I'm not that into horoscopes. Occasionally, I will read them just to see what it says. But I often forget all of what I read within seconds of putting the paper down. Much less do I remember to apply it to my life. I can't even remember them long enough to see if they came true.
I know a few people who write them for a living, so I mean no offense, but I really want to take a pass on this one. I don't care enough about it to spend my time researching it to write a few paragraphs. Sorry.

I just don't wanna. So, there.

Day 8: Animals

I'm at a loss for an animal story. I will try to come up with something at a later date.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7: Routines

Topic: Routines are a part of our daily lives, something that many of us cannot live without. They can be monotonous or comforting, but without routines, most of us will never get our teeth brushed. Write a descriptive about one of your daily routines.

One of my most important routines (to me anyway) is my showering routine. I may not shower everyday, but when I do, it must be in a very strict order. I shower from top to bottom. Literally. Cleanest most important areas first, dirtiest areas last.
1. Undress
2. Wet hair, then face
3. Wash face first. Don't want to get dirt from the rest of my body on my face, so it must be washed first.
4. Shampoo. Rinse.
5. Conditioner. Leave in.
6. Soap up chest, stomach, back, arms, armpits, butt (then secret areas), legs. In that order. Every time.
7. Shave armpits and/or legs while still soaped.
8. Rinse conditioner and soap all at once.
9. Soap feet last. ALWAYS LAST!!!! I wear flip flops most days. My feet get really dirty. Even when I wear real shoes my feet still get nasty. I never want to get that nastiness on any other part of my body. So, they ALWAYS get washed last.
10. Double check all soap and conditioner have been rinsed.

Even when I dry off I tend to do it in the same order. Weird. I never thought about that before.
I just realized that it's possible everyone may shower that way. But I find it super important that it be done in that specific order. Every time.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 6: Bourdain's Companion

Topic: Anthony Bourdain gets to gallivant around the world indulging in a culinary map of marvels as we suckers sit home, salivating over some rare delicacy, or dry heaving over an even rarer delicacy. If you could go anywhere in the world with Mr. Bourdain, chef and booze-hound extraordinaire, where would you go, and which foods would you absolutely have to try? Pretend that this is a pitch to get him to pick you out of thousands of people, and really sell your idea. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, get out from under your rock, and go to

I'm no good at selling myself and I'm well aware of it. So, I'm not going to try. Let me just say, Mr. Bourdain, if you would like to take me with you to a foreign country to try new foods, cultures, sites, experiences... I pick Italy. I have always wanted to see Rome and Venice. And really, I've never met a bowl of pasta/plate of cheese/bottle of wine/baguette that I didn't become very good friends with in a very short time. All I'm saying is, if there's a free ride and good pasta to be had, sign me up.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 5: Ex Love Letters

Topic: This blog called "Dear Old Love" is a really fun way to waste a few hours. Similar to postsecret- people mail in their notes anonymously to their exes. The blog owner comes up with the title.Some are sweet, some are sad and some are..vengeful.enjoy!
Book Him
via Dear Old Love on 1/4/09
I finally finished my novel. It’s nothing like the early drafts you read. The character based on you kills himself because he’s a jackass and everybody hates him. Especially me.
Now that is a dish best served cold. Write a note to an ex. And don't be shy.


Remember that time you got mad and punched a hole in the dashboard of your truck because I wanted to go to a party and you didn't? I really thought you were going to hit me then. I'm glad you didn't.

Remember that time you pushed me to the floor and screamed at me because you wanted to go to the movies and I didn't? I really thought you were going to hit me then. I'm glad you didn't.

Remember that time you punched a hold in your wall and then charged toward me with your fist up because I wouldn't tell you the secret that I told my friend at school? I really thought you were going to hit me then. I'm glad you didn't.

Remember that time you went ballistic because I wanted to spend the weekend with my friends instead of you? I really thought you were going to hit me then. I'm glad you didn't.

Remember that time you punched the concrete wall because my director wouldn't let you in to watch my high school play rehearsal? I really thought you were going to hit me then. I'm glad you didn't.

Remember that time I broke up with you and you made me sit in your truck with you while you cried? I still thought you were going to hit me then. I'm glad you didn't.

After all the times you never hit me, I'm so glad you're not my boyfriend anymore.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 4: Idioms

Topic: When studying a foreign language, one of the most perplexing, yet amusing forms of speech to master is the idiom. It's one of those things where the literal interpretation usually ends up to be hilarious, offensive, or outright jibberish.
Choose an American idiom and use its literal meaning as the basis for a story.

Sitting high above the factory floor in His big high-end office, He looks out the floor to ceiling windows that cover an entire wall of his office. Down he looks at the hundreds of workers, slaving away to make quota. Stitch by stitch, snip by snip, and fluff by fluff, we sweat. All the while, He sits in his air conditioned office, chatting to God knows who. For all I know, it may be God himself.

Hamied, angel of miracles, is His right hand angel. Second in command. Or third, depending on how you want to look at it. Either way, I guess He realizes it's going to take a miracle to get all these clouds made in time for the upcoming storm. Hamied wanders around the factory floor making sure everything is going as scheduled. 'Helping out' where needed.

"Hamied... to my office, please." The speaker in the factory squeaks and cracks with every word. It's just as outdated as the machines we sew on. Covered in rust and falling apart. You would think, being in Heaven, that everything would be new, pristine, beautiful and white. Well it is. Everywhere but this room. His office is all of those things. Top of the line everything. But once you cross those windows, that stops.

Hamied hurries up the stairs to the huge corner office. As Hamied enters, He stands up in His tailored pin stripe suit. Starts flailing his arms around. Uh oh. It looks as though He has finally found out about the gray fabric we've been using for the past few days.

Last week we were running really low on our usual liner fabric. The next shipment wasn't scheduled for another 2 weeks. Uriel, angel of creativity, being a little over shadowed by Hamied, decided to take it upon himself to fix the problem. Taking 'creative liberty', Uriel decides that gray would be more appropriate for storm clouds. So, thats what we've been putting in them. For almost a week now. Do you have any idea how many clouds go out of this place in a day? Much less a week?

"STOP!" blares the speaker. The entire floor, all the machines, all movements halt. The door at the top of the stairs opens. One polished Stacy Adams shoe steps out to the landing. Then the other. He slowly walks down the steps to the factory floor. He never comes down here. I can imagine He's probably not real happy about being down here.

"Whoever it was that decided to change the lining to grey, please find me in my office in 20 minutes. As for the rest of you, take the rest of the day off. BUT... Be prepared to work twice as hard when you get back. We are canceling the storm this friday, but that means doubling up next week."

As I packed up my things, I watch Uriel sulk up the stairs. The door opens. The curtains close. "Sit please." The speaker was left on. I could hear everything. I was the only one left and with the curtains pulled, no one knew I was still here.

"Dude. You've worked here almost as long as me. You know every cloud has a silver lining. I mean, come on, man! This is wack, dude. My Dad is totally going to freak! Check it, man, you gotta help me get all those clouds back. If He finds out... Oh man, I can't even think about it. You totally owe me a brew for this one, bro. Call Hamaliel and Perpetiel. See if they'll join the search party. Oh man... huh huh. We're so dead."

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 3: Natural Disasters

Topic: So, I was going to do something else today, but since I was so drunk last night (and my computer shut down), I didn't get it in.
This morning (noon counts as morning, right?), I woke up from a dream about being in a town where a small volcano exploded. My brain took lots of strange things and put them together to create the reality of this experience, which ended up involving dinosaurs, antique stores, and banana cream pie milkshakes.
Natural disasters are something that almost all of us will deal with in our lifetime. Earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, tornadoes, tsunamis. They are also great elements in literature, for if it there were no tornadoes, how would Dorothy have made it to Oz?
Today, write about a natural disaster. Either write about your experience with one, or write about a fictional event from a character's first person point of view.

It's Saturday afternoon. Me and all my cousins are at my grandma's house. This is a usual occurrence. We are all under the age of 16 so this is an easy way for our mothers to baby sit us all at the same time. All our moms and Gram are in the kitchen doing whatever it is that grown women do. Cook, drink wine, gossip. I don't know. And all the cousins are in the living room competing in the "Tickle Tournament." The boys get really into these tournaments. They have even made out a tournament chart.

Every one of us are in for the tournament with the exception of Chloe. She's never won a tickle fight to date and has become a very sore loser. Instead, she locks herself in a bedroom upstairs and turns the stereo up loud enough to drown out the fun she's missing out on.
It's down to the last match between Zeke and Cameron. Zeke is the oldest and wins almost every time. Cameron is second youngest. His wins and loses are about half and half. He's the most fun to watch though, because he's got quick moves and the best laugh of us all. Near the end, it's obvious Zeke is going to win, so we all join in and dog pile Cameron. The best part about Cameron is that he pees his pants almost every time.
Cameron squirms out the bottom of the dog pile and runs to the bathroom. The rest of us all giggle and high five as John throws and extra pair of sweat pants into the bathroom.
Gram hobbles in with her cane and hollers at all of us to get to the basement. Living in tornado alley, most everyone has a basement. Zeke grabs Cameron from the bathroom and we all trudge our way down to the damp, dark, rarely used basement. Our moms grab a few boxes of snacks and some water bottles on their way down.
The basement is a six by eight sq. ft. room. It serves its purpose, but its a small space for fourteen people. Even if nine of them are kids. The floors and walls are cold concrete. There's a small window at the top of the room just barely big enough to slide through if you had to. It sits just above the grass outside and looks out to the above ground pool about six feet away. After a few minutes of situating everyone in the small space and laying out blankets on the floor for an attempt at comfort, someone realizes there are only thirteen people down here.
No one even remembered that Chloe had gone upstairs. Gram starts freaking out because the sirens have now stared blaring across town. Zeke, being the oldest and most trustworthy, gets sent up two flights of stairs to get Chloe from her cocoon of self pity. Once they return, they join us crowded at the window hoping to get a glance at a real tornado. After a few minutes, it's obvious there's nothing to see, yet. We all find our spot on the blankets and settle in for a long haul of sitting and waiting. And maybe a few card games.
My mom and I are in a corner together. I lay my head down on her leg as she strokes my hair. I listen to the others laughing and teasing, filling Chloe in on Cameron's soggy pants.
Next thing I know, I'm laying on the couch upstairs. The tornado came and went. Everyone watched it go by from the window in the basement. And I slept through the entire thing. Happens to me every time.

Day 2: Year of the Ox

Topic: 2009 is the Year of the Ox, a beast of burden that occupies very little space in our literary history. Babe the blue ox has pretty much had to hold it down in that world, so help keep him company by writing an ode to the ox. A poem is probably the most fun way to go, but feel free to write in any style you want. Read more about the year of the ox on Wikipedia.

With a "get up" here and a "back up" there and a couple of "whoa" "gee" "haw"s, that's how we work the day away in the hairy ol' land of ox.

With a "plow" "haul" here and a "transport" there, we're a couple of handy steers, that's how we works the day away in the hairy ol' land of ox.

Day 1: Intentions

Topic: 1/1: It’s the first of the year and you have a blank canvas in front of you. On that glaringly white piece of paper, set your intention for the year. Fill that page with five words that reflect your goals for your life as a writer. Expand upon them if you want, or let them be powerful enough to speak for themselves.

I don't think of my self as a writer. (great way to start a writing blog, i know) I've never been good with putting my feelings, emotions, thoughts into words. So, in an attempt to better myself in that department, I am trying this blog just to see what happens.

My intentions with this blog are to actually put some Effort into getting my thoughts out coherently. To actually Commit to this and not quit halfway through. Hopefully I can add a little Humor in here and there. Lastly, I'd like to Create something here that I can be Proud of.